December 05, 2005

Internship-Say Something Positive to Yourself-

When I was organizing books in our library, one book written by George R Walther, “What You Say Is What You Get”, captured my interest.

What you say is what you get…That was exactly what I thought today.

Since one of our computers stopped receiving internet signals, a trainer and I were fixing it. We got a new device that should be replaced and followed the manual to activate it. However, it did not work well whatever we did. So, we tried to figure out what was wrong on the computer by comparing another computer. When we made a phone call to the computer product company, we found it might work if we downloaded upgraded software from their website. But we could not visit the website from any of our computers at that moment.

In that situation, it is easy for anyone to get frustrated. However, the trainer never looked frustrated. He did not say “It’s annoying”, but “It’s interesting.” So, I did not get frustrated either. I even enjoyed solving the problem like a puzzle.

Your attitude is up to you, but I think it is difficult to maintain a positive attitude when there are negative people around us. Negativity spreads easily.

Words shape our behaviors. I just believe it would actually happen if I say something good to myself. I am not always positive and sometimes get down of course, but I am trying to be positive. For you and for myself.


At December 07, 2005 3:58 AM, Blogger fumi said...

Maintaing your postive attitude is not easy stuff, but it s worth challenging.

U are really in good work circumstance, i think. Good for u

At December 07, 2005 8:23 AM, Blogger Maffie said...

If we develop a positive attitede, we will be able to work well and live healthy, I think. I admire our trainers.


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