June 04, 2006

Sweet People, Lovely Family

Do you know how much I was happy to see you?

I have wanted to see the people working at a company where I used to work as an intern. We were busy, and I did not have time to stop by the office. I missed them so much. But today, I could finally meet up with my boss and his family! So great! So excited! So happy~

They invited me to have dinner together. The boss made margarita for me, which was a little strong but I liked ;-) He also cooked paella for the dinner. It had lots of seafood and tasted so good! We enjoyed eating it with good wine and reggae music~ You know, meal tastes better when we eat something with someone we like.

Oh, I want to let you know one thing. They started eating really nicely. What they did before dinner was they held each other’s hand, closed their eyes, breathed three times deeply, opened their eyes, and gave smile to each other. They taught me it is the Hawaiian way and they always do it. I thought it was lovely.

Their three-year old boy always makes me so happy. His smile is so cute! I never get bored with him. And today, I realized he has been growing up.

You know what? The family is going to have another baby soon. What a sweet family event it is! I remember I got excited when I heard the news, and I have been expecting to see their new baby. I know they cannot wait to hold their baby in their arms. I am really hoping for them…

Thank you for inviting me for the dinner. I had such a great time tonight.


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